Opening Party

Everything Has Its Time / Weaving Time / Interludes



The festival opens with a celebration; everyone can decide for themselves whether early or late. The curtain will rise with much fanfare and cantatas, compositions and improvisations, with textured music and time texture—and with numerous prestigious musicians.

«Untimely» is our motto this year and thus begins the Musikfestival Bern, if not untimely, at least with a whirlwind of time. What can be displaced in time will be displaced here, and yet everything has its own time within. As the Old Testament preacher Salomon called «Omnia tempus habent» is the motto for the first part of the concert. Thun-born musician Michael Wertmüller composed a contemporary counterpart to the cantata of the same title written by our timeless composer-in-residence, Bernd Alois Zimmermann.

Old and new come together, as is the tradition of our festival. In other ways, time will be counterbalanced by the sounds of hornroh and the Circle Flute—or in Graham Valentine and Martin Schütz’s improvisations and finally in Marcel Zaes’s time textures. But more untimely events will take place this evening. Be prepared to be surprised.
  • Programme
    • 18.00
      Fanfare of hornroh modern alphorn quartet
    • Apéro
    • 19.05
      Opening speech by Jürg Kienberger, the Interluder in Residence
    • 19.18–19.70
      Concert 1
      Everything Has its Time
    • 20.10–21.30
    • From 21.00
      Interludes with hornroh and Circle Flute
    • 21.30–22.20
      Concert 2
      Time Weaving
    • From 22.30
      Interludes with hornroh and Circle Flute
The ticket is valid for the entire opening night, including dinner and one drink.
The Radiomobil of Radio Antenne is on location 17.00–21.30.


Opening Party
Everything Has Its Time / Weaving Time / Interludes

Wed 5. September / 18:00
Dampfzentrale Bern

To the timetable
To the productions