God's Time ...

1/1Photo: Matthias Luggen

Two baroque funerary cantatas convey the end of lifetime and the transition into God’s time or into timelessness, sung and played by a high-calibre soloist ensemble and interspersed by flutes—and our Interluder in Residence.

«A time to give birth and a time to die.» That human time expires someday is an important topic, also in «Zeitkunst» music: a tone fades away and disperses. Numerous works focus on this. The contemporaries Bach and Telemann meditate on this topic in their two mourning cantatas: In Bach’s piece, different levels of the concept of time are analysed and contrasted: «God’s time» (which can also be understood as timelessness) as opposed to earthly time, but also death «at the right time» or at the wrong time. Finally, the certainty that we will die on the one hand, and on the other, the fact that the specific moment in time remains unknown.
The title of Telemann’s cantata «Du, aber Daniel, gehe hin» approaches a response, which Daniel gets after receiving prophecies from the end of time, posing the anxious question «My lord, what will happen thereafter?» «But you, Daniel, go forth until the end comes and rest so that you rise at the end of your days.» In between, Zimmermann’s flute takes «time to talk», free and almost detached from time ... And our Interluder in Residence converses.
  • Programm
    • Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750): «Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit» BWV 106 (um 1706)
    • Bernd Alois Zimmermann: «Tempus loquendi. Pezzi ellittici per flauto grande, flauto in sol e flauto basso solo» (1963)
    • Interludien mit Jürg Kienberger
    • Georg Philipp Telemann (1681–1767): «Du aber, Daniel, gehe hin» Trauerkantate TWV 4:17
  • Besetzung
    • BernVocal: Miriam Feuersinger (Solo), Jessica Jans, Felicitas Erb, Sopran; Margot Oitzinger (Solo), Mona Spägele, Doron Schleifer, Alt; Michael Feyfar (Solo), Dieter Wagner, Tobias König, Tenor; Peter Kooij (Solo), Dominik Wörner (Solo), Tobias Wicky, Bass
    • Maurice Steger, Sabrina Frey, Flauto dolce; Katharina Suske, Oboe; Maria Sohn, Violine; Rebeka Rusó, Amélie Chemin, Viola da gamba; Armin Bereuter, Violone; Sebastian Wienand, Orgel; Martin Fahlenbock, Flöte
    • Leitung: Fritz Krämer

  • Duration: 60 minutes
    An event by BernVocal and Musikfestival Bern in collaboration with Église française réformée de Berne.


    God's Time ...

    Thu 6. September / 22:30
    Französische Kirche

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